<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4825069d-e45f-426e-afe2-2ee323402e24/logo_notion.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4825069d-e45f-426e-afe2-2ee323402e24/logo_notion.png" width="40px" /> Hi! The template below is based on the "Work With Me" feature available in the Calamari app. If you want to test our solution, we invite you to test it for free for 14-day at: calamari.io.

You can copy, supplement, shorten or expand the template below. We have written down the elements in seven categories, along with sample questions. Let this tool serve you the best! You can also recommend them further 🙂

We also invite you to read our blogpost, where we introduced this concept.

Good luck! Calamari Team


1) About me

<aside> 💡 Introduce yourself, write where you are from and tell about your work experience. Describe what you currently do in your department and what problems you can be approached with.



Before you choose the questions you want to answer, write a few sentences about yourself. Introduce yourself as a new member of the team. Leave a business card for those who will join your teams in the future.

In work I deal with

Describe your professional responsibilities, what you create and what you have an impact on.

2) Contact me

<aside> 💡 Indicate your preferred channels and contact hours. Write about how you like to receive feedback. When it comes to communication, it is best not to leave anything to conjecture but to clearly state the rules.


Preferred method of contact

In the contact channels you use (e-mail, phone, Slack, MS Teams, ...), write in what hours and matters it is best to communicate with you. In the fields next to it, you can add in which situations you prefer real-time responses and in which you prefer asynchronous communication.

I like to receive feedback

Explain in what form you would like to receive feedback: opinions, compliments, and current reviews. Describe your preferences regarding the style of responses.

By which I can be misunderstood

Share your quirks that can make people misunderstand you. Write about how you react to stress or mention cultural factors.

3) Collaboration